The Panther, an iconic Americana tattoo design, symbolizes ferocious power and determination. It is worn both for courage and as a warning.
For its strength and grace, the panther has long been revered. Lore and folk tales of panthers can be found across the globe, but it was the boom of tattooing in post WWII port towns that caused this giant cat to become a classic motif that has never lost its appeal.

The cunning hunter became a beloved piece of permanent art for members of the military, greasers and outlaws, and spiritualists. But it goes far back in time. In Ancient Greece, the beast symbolized Dionysos and even priests wore panther skins in reverence. In China, the big cat was seen as a cruel killer, but brave and ferocious enough to be embroidered upon the robes of high ranking military officials.

Our newest necklace and ring designs feature the classic climbing Panther etched into metal, claws out and hanging on for dear life, determined. This classic symbol brings protection and inspires courage.
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