Souvenir Rings
& Bordertown Badassery
LHN Jewelry designs are based on unique histories across many cultures and continents. Many familiar symbols and icons of today have a rich history just waiting to be explored.
For every LHN Jewelry creation, there is a story behind the piece we found fascinating. Here is the history of one of our favorite styles: the Mexican biker ring.
Rings that immortalize
the guts & gall of biker culture.
Now the obsession of collectors, Mexican biker rings aka souvenir rings aka knuckle dusters were popularized by outlaw bikers passing through border towns. At the end of the Mexican Revolution, the peso lost its value, but with craft and cunning, local Mexican craftsmen melted down the pesos to make rings, creating detailed jewelry they could be sold as souvenirs for more than the pesos were worth.
Fast forward to the 1940s when brawling bikers would buy up these rings as a way around the forbidden brass knuckles. See, the hand of the law had nothin' on the knuckles of the outlaws! To get around the prohibited knuckle dusters, bikers began wearing big burly rings. It's a style and identifiable marker that has never faded.
LHN Jewelry revisits the small batch craftsmanship, celebrating the handiwork and artistry of these border town creations. Wear a bit of unique history on those burly hands of yours.